Graphics > DrawToSprite (Matthew Phillips) |
DrawToSprite can be used to produce Sprite files from Draw files, but it can also output Windows BMP files. |
Version | 1.05 2006-01-24 |
License | |
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Programming > Grab II (Christopher Bazley) |
Allows the contents of the Wimp sprite pools or window tool sprites to be saved to file. |
Version | 1.18 2010-07-05 |
License | GNU General Public Licence |
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Graphics > Image convertors > InterGif (Adam Richardson) |
Make GIFs from Sprite and Draw files. |
Version | 6.15 |
License | Freeware |
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Graphics > Palette Changer (mikejs) |
Replaces Palettes |
Version | 1.00 2005-11-06 |
License | Freeware |
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Utilities > ScreenGrabber (Christopher Bazley) |
ScreenGrabber allows you to take multiple pictures of the screen display even whilst running a single-tasking application. |
Version | 2.25 2010-07-07 |
License | GNU General Public Licence |
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Graphics > SFSkyEdit (Christopher Bazley) |
SFskyedit is an editor for the sky colour definition files used by the game 'Star Fighter 3000'. |
Version | 1.57 2011-02-13 |
License | GNU General Public Licence |
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Graphics > Image convertors > SFToSpr (Christopher Bazley) |
Converts Star Fighter 3000 bitmap graphics to sprite files & vice-versa |
Version | 3.87 2011-02-13 |
License | GNU General Public Licence |
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Graphics > Sprite Splitter (mikejs) |
Split multi-sprite files into single sprites |
Version | 1.00 2005-11-06 |
License | Freeware |
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Graphics > Tracer Professional (X-Ample Technology) |
Tracer Professional is a high-quality bitmap to vector (Draw) converter. |
Version | 2.01 2005-08-22 |
License | Commercial (£49.00) |
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Graphics > WebGen (Dave Stratford) |
Takes a directory of JPEG or TIFF images and creates a complete HTML web site. |
Version | 2.38 2008-01-13 |
License | Freeware |
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