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Multi-Function Calculator (Martin Carradus)
After having downloaded and unzipped the !MFCalc Application, drag the application to a suitable directory on your hard disc. Double click on the !MFCalc icon to load it onto the icon bar.

Clicking on the bar icon brings up the main 'SetUp' panel.

Select options and/or type a Calculation into the Input: slot on the 'SetUp' panel and then click on the 'Calculate' icon. !MFCalc then returns the answer, or a message indicating what it has done.
Version 4.00 admitted of binary input e.g. %101 is decimal 5, and the assignment operators:- '+=', '-=', '*=' and '/=' e.g. a%+=1 adds 1 to the value held by a%.

Version 5.00 admitted of inverse (arc) hyperbolic functions, and the operators:- '++' and '--' e.g. a%++ returns the current value of a%, but adds 1 to the value stored in a%.

Version 6.00 now allows the separation of multiple assignments by any series of colons or semi-colons. Also, you may use single variable names with '++', or '--', so long as it's not the first assignment.
Version 6.00 2005-10-28
License Freeware
5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage

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Multiply & Diophantine Equation with Quaternions (Martin Carradus)
Multiplies Quaternions, and uses them to Solve Sum of Squares Diophantine Equations Version 1.00 2013-02-01
License Freeware
4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
Performs various maths functions (integration, summation etc). Version
License Freeware
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Pellian Eqn (Martin Carradus)
'Pellian' Diophantine Equation Solver Version 1.00 2011-05-27
License Freeware
4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
QuadDioph (Martin Carradus)
Solves Quadratic Diophantine Equations Version 1.00 2011-08-18
License Freeware
4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
Quaternion Calculation and Diophantine Equation (Martin Carradus)
Calculation (Addition, Multiplication, Inversion) and Solution of Sum of Squares Diophantine Equation with Quaternions Version 3.00 2013-02-07
License Freeware
4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
Quine McCluskey (Martin Carradus)
Quine-McCluskey Logic Simplification with 'Don't Care' Values Version 3.00 2012-03-25
License Freeware
5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
Random Words (Martin Carradus)
Generates and Speaks Random English. French and German Words Version 1.00 2011-09-21
License Freeware
5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
Pick a shape, the computer then asks you questions such as 'Does it have four sides?' and the works out what shape you picked. Version 1.02 2002-12-07
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Area under a curve by the Simpson Rule. Version
License Freeware
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Solves Polynomial Equation (Martin Carradus)
Solves Polynomial Equation up to Quartic, given Coefficients Version 2.00 2008-08-08
License Freeware
4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
Sum of Triangular & Square Numbers (Martin Carradus)
Decomposes Positive Integer either as Sum of Triangular or Square Numbers Version 1.00 2013-01-29
License Freeware
0/5 (1 vote)0/5 (1 vote)0/5 (1 vote)0/5 (1 vote)0/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
Times (Kev)
Times table tester Version 1.00 2002-03-06
License Freeware
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Turing Machine (Martin Carradus)
Simulates Alan Turing's Turing Machine Version 1,00 2012-07-08
License Freeware
5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)5/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
Wator Prey/Predator Model (Martin Carradus)
A.K.Dewdney's "Armchair Universe" Toroidal Planet Prey/Predator Simulation Version 2.00 2007-05-19
License Public Domain
4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage
x Expression Differentiator (Martin Carradus)
Differentiates (suitable) Expression in x. Finds Turning Points. Version 3.00 2009-07-26
License Public Domain
4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)4/5 (1 vote)More Information Download Visit the entry's homepage

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